Subclass HV
HV1-9960 Social pathology. Social and public welfare.
HV40-69 Social service. Social work. Charity
organization and practice
Including social case work, private and
public relief, institutional care,
rural social work, work relief
HV85-525 By region or country
HV530 The church and charity
HV541 Women and charity
HV544 Charity fairs, bazaars, etc.
HV544.5 International social work
HV547 Self-help groups
HV551.2-639 Emergency management
HV553-639 Relief in case of disasters
HV560-583 Red Cross. Red Crescent
HV599-639 Special types of disasters
HV640-645 Refugee problems
HV650-670 Life saving
HV675-677 Accidents. Prevention of accidents
HV680-696 Free professional services
Including medical charities
HV697-4959 Protection, assistance and relief
HV697-3024 Special classes
HV697-700.7 Families. Mothers. Widow's pensions
HV701-1420.5 Children
HV835-847 Foundlings
HV873-887 Destitute, neglected, and abandoned
children. Street children
HV888-907 Children with disabilities
HV931-941 Fresh-air funds
HV959-1420.5 Orphanages. Orphans
HV1421-1441 Young adults. Youth. Teenagers
HV1442-1448 Women
HV1449 Gay men. Lesbians
HV1450-1494 Aged
HV1551-3024 People with disabilities
Including blind, deaf, people with
physical and mental disabilities
HV3025-3174 Special classes. By occupation
HV3025-3163 Mariners
HV3165-3173 Shop women, clerks, etc.
HV3174 Other. By occupation
HV3176-3199 Special classes. By race or ethnic group
HV4005-4013 Immigrants
HV4023-4470.7 Poor in cities. Slums
HV4480-4630 Mendicancy. Vagabondism. Tramps.
HV4701-4890.9 Protection of animals. Animal rights. Animal