Middle School Science Virtual Learning
Life Science
Cellular Respiration
April 28, 2020
Life Science
Cellular Respiration - Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Objective/Learning Target:
I can explain the process of cellular respiration.
Let’s Get Started
Make sure you have a
writing utensil and
some paper to write
down some notes about
respiration. Click on
the video to the left to
get started.
Just what is CELLULAR RESPIRATION anyway?
Take a look at the picture to the left. Notice the
process of Photosynthesis is shown at the top-using
sunlight to produce glucose (food) and oxygen. At
the bottom shows the process of Cellular
Respiration. Simply speaking, Cellular Respiration
is the process by which cells obtain energy from
glucose (food). During this process, cells break
down simple food molecules such as sugar
(glucose) and release the energy they contain.
Living things need a continuous supply of energy
and therefore living things carry out Cellular
Respiration continuously. Watch the video below
to learn more!
Cellular Respiration and the Mighty Mitochondria
Take a look at the two images to the left. Notice
the chemical reaction that occurs with Cellular
Respiration - the glucose and oxygen yield the
waste products carbon dioxide and water BUT also
produce lots of ENERGY! As you learned in the
video, this reaction occurs in the mitochondria of
your cells.
Take a quick look at the video below to learn a
little more about the mighty mitochondria.
Mitchondria - Chalk Talk
Therefore Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration can be thought of and considered
opposite processes. The Reactants of Photosynthesis are the Products (+Energy-ATP)
of Cellular Respiration and the Products of Photosynthesis are the Reactants for
Cellular Respiration! Pretty cool, huh?
Watch this neat Music Video about how Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration work
together to keep the oxygen and carbon cycles rather stable and constant.
Photosynthesis and Respiration MTV!
Respiration Worksheet
Answer Key to Respiration Worksheet
More Practice
1. Grab a writing utensil and a piece of paper.
2. Click the Blue Link -Respiration Worksheet.
3. Use prior knowledge and information in this presentation to answer the questions.
4. Click the Red Link - Answer Key to Respiration Worksheet to check your answers.
Click on the following links for more practice online.
Respiration and Fermentation Practice
Respiration Practice
Cellular Respiration Quizizz!
More Practice
Play this to see what you remembered about respiration.
Check For Understanding